New to our website? You must have a Metro customer account to use our website. Registering is simple and easy! |
Not approved to test? If you have not been issued an NMDA Testing ID number or have never tested at a computer based testing center you must apply with the NMDA. It fast and easy ... good luck! |
Are you a company representative? Click Here for more information. | |||||||
Welcome to Metro Institute! | |
NEW OFFERING! Metro Institute now offers New Mexico CEUs! Click Here For More Info ATTENTION: Re: Testing Center Closures Due to concerns over the spread of the COVID-19 virus, many testing centers are experiencing unscheduled closures and limited testing availability. Metro will make every effort to contact you in the event of closure by callin and emailing your contact information on file. Therefore, even though you may currently have an exam scheduled, please check with your local testing center or Metro Institute prior to going. Call toll free (877) 533-2900 or (602) 452-2900. |
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Welcome to Metro Institute! | |
Metro Institute hosts application and testing services for the Pesticides Section of the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. After signing up on our website, you will interact with NMDA staff and Metro Institute staff to apply for testing categories, schedule corresponding exams, and then visit an approved testing facility. |
Let's get started! |